无聊的我.... (67 篇)
陈迪威停止你的MISS CAll 行动!!
2005-06-14 14:47
这几天有位叫"陈迪威"的同学不分昼夜的玩miss call ,害到我团团转了.....迪威同学小心点噢 呵呵.....最近我没钱进电话钱所以不能玩回你,等我进钱了你知道死 每次只会下去kl啦,又不看你下来吉兰丹咧.....想找死啊??? 下来的话我们又能去吃"beluk"了.......爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 等你呀!!!
az199 (146 篇)
回复: 陈迪威停止你的MISS CAll 行动!!
2005-06-15 09:15
| 无聊的我....: 这几天有位叫"陈迪威"的同学不分昼夜的玩miss call ,害到我团团转了.....迪威同学小心点噢 呵呵.....最近我没钱进电话钱所以不能玩回你,等我进钱了你知道死 每次只会下去kl啦,又不看你下来吉兰丹咧.....想找死啊??? 下来的话我们又能去吃"beluk"了.......爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽爽!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 等你呀!!! |
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ya lah.....fuxk u man....i'm also to incur by the "gu gu wei" .when i study in class, the rich man always miss call me.
sai499 (79 篇)
回复: 陈迪威停止你的MISS CAll 行动!!
2005-06-15 14:46
| az199: ya lah.....fuxk u man....i'm also to incur by the "gu gu wei" .when i study in class, the rich man always miss call me. |
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damn the stupid rich man... 12.00++ stii miss call me... luckyly i'm self-studying..if not... adding on want waste my phone money about 30 minutes to talk to him....
无聊的我.... (67 篇)
wah...so many
2005-06-16 10:20
| sai499: damn the stupid rich man... 12.00++ stii miss call me... luckyly i'm self-studying..if not... adding on want waste my phone money about 30 minutes to talk to him.... |
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o... that gugu wei miss call so many person wow.. hehe...i suggest all of us should miss call back him ok ? we all directly miss call until his hp battery empty...let him die.. Chen Di Wei give people shot shot 100 Times