yikyuan928 (123 篇)
回复: Reply: 大家还好吗? (How's every one?)
2005-04-26 13:08
| youngyeap: chew hung, i can read all the chinese words u guys write, i just can't write with chinese here in the ang mo comp, hehehe!!! But nice job on the translation though, u've proven to me that ur english is really good now!!! :P
I have one week holiday now, so i'm enjoying myself at home watching NBA, coz it's NBA playoff season now, hehehe!!! :)
Yik Yuan, does ur company send u to US? Should come here one day, i'll be more than happy to bring u around!!! :)
Chew Hung, do u still work till really late all the time? I heard that u always work till really late. I'm one of the victim of not getting too much sunshine too, everytime i leave the hospital, it's already moonlight shining on me!!! hate that!!! :P Oh yah, have not seen ur gf's pic b4, show me some pics lah!!! ;)
Chwan foung, dun forget to send me ur invitation card ok!!! :P
love yar luan |
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雅銮,谢谢你的邀请. 但美国的市场是由我的上司直接负责,所以暂时没有机会到那里去. :- ( 也好久没见到你了....wah !!! 现在也爱上了NBA :-) take care.........
huivoon (71 篇)
回复: Reply: 大家还好吗? (How's every one?)
2005-04-27 18:54
| yikyuan928: 雅銮,谢谢你的邀请. 但美国的市场是由我的上司直接负责,所以暂时没有机会到那里去. :- ( 也好久没见到你了....wah !!! 现在也爱上了NBA :-) take care......... |
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我终于上来了, 大家都还好吗? 我在丹中的日子真的很不好过啦. 发现当老师真的不容易, 套我同事说的一句话:" 当老师的都是伟人!" 哈哈...当老师要身兼多职, 我是高一的班主任, 要处理班务,教好书,还要看社团, 目前还不小心被叶校长捉去当教务处的助理以及家教联谊会的秘书. 这种日子真的很恐怖吧! 但奇怪的是, 日子那么忙, 我怎么还瘦不下来, >.<
youngyeap (56 篇)
回复: Reply: 大家还好吗? (How's every one?)
2005-04-28 12:21
| huivoon: 我终于上来了, 大家都还好吗? 我在丹中的日子真的很不好过啦. 发现当老师真的不容易, 套我同事说的一句话:" 当老师的都是伟人!" 哈哈...当老师要身兼多职, 我是高一的班主任, 要处理班务,教好书,还要看社团, 目前还不小心被叶校长捉去当教务处的助理以及家教联谊会的秘书. 这种日子真的很恐怖吧! 但奇怪的是, 日子那么忙, 我怎么还瘦不下来, >.< |
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wow, hui voon, u r secretary also now? Gosh, u must have so much work to do. I agree about the not slimming down when u r busy thing, whenever i'm busy, i just feel like eating............. coz that's the only thing outside of work that i can do in less than 15 min. I found a place near my house that serve thai-malaysian food, gosh, that's a bad place to find!!!! My calories has just been adding up non-stop!!! :P
I always like basketball one lah, i'm just nv. good in it, coz i'm short and i'm not athletic!!! :P Say Keng, Detroit Pistons is a very good team, but since i'm going to be in Indiana for a long long time, and since indiana pacers and detroit pistons r enemy, i probably shouldn't like them so that i dun get beaten up in indiana. :P I live just right down the road from the NBA court, if u guys come and visit me, i'll bring u guys go watch an NBA game lah, hehehe!!! :)
My MSN is [email protected], u guys add me in lah. I'm in MSN now at 1pm ur local time, and there's nobody here, hehehe!!!! :)
yar luan
NY152 (143 篇)
Reply: 回复:
2005-04-28 12:49
| huivoon: 我终于上来了, 大家都还好吗? 我在丹中的日子真的很不好过啦. 发现当老师真的不容易, 套我同事说的一句话:" 当老师的都是伟人!" 哈哈...当老师要身兼多职, 我是高一的班主任, 要处理班务,教好书,还要看社团, 目前还不小心被叶校长捉去当教务处的助理以及家教联谊会的秘书. 这种日子真的很恐怖吧! 但奇怪的是, 日子那么忙, 我怎么还瘦不下来, >.< |
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肥婆… 應該不能這麼叫了. 應該說是許老師.. 呵呵.. ^^.. 我想瘦不下來應該是操得不夠啦.. 我幫你打電話給葉校長, 麻煩他繼續給你加油加油!!! 呵呵.. 開玩笑啦.. ^^
益源… 突然覺得好久沒有打你的中文名字了.. 呵呵.. 你也喜歡NBA嗎… 太好了…. 那你比較支持哪個隊伍呢? NBA現在已經進入了最緊張的季後賽.. 大家來討論吧…
雅鑾… 原來妳在INDIANA… 好啦.., 為了不然你在當地被圍毆.. 所以你就必須支持INDIANA了.. 呵呵.. 開玩笑 ^^
對了.. 相信大家都有用MSN吧… 請大家都留下自己的MSN帳號吧!
Guyz, take care and stay nice…
昭闳 (242 篇)
2005-04-28 22:49
| NY152: 肥婆… 應該不能這麼叫了. 應該說是許老師.. 呵呵.. ^^.. 我想瘦不下來應該是操得不夠啦.. 我幫你打電話給葉校長, 麻煩他繼續給你加油加油!!! 呵呵.. 開玩笑啦.. ^^
益源… 突然覺得好久沒有打你的中文名字了.. 呵呵.. 你也喜歡NBA嗎… 太好了…. 那你比較支持哪個隊伍呢? NBA現在已經進入了最緊張的季後賽.. 大家來討論吧…
雅鑾… 原來妳在INDIANA… 好啦.., 為了不然你在當地被圍毆.. 所以你就必須支持INDIANA了.. 呵呵.. 開玩笑 ^^
對了.. 相信大家都有用MSN吧… 請大家都留下自己的MSN帳號吧!
Guyz, take care and stay nice…
saykeng |
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NY152 (143 篇)
回复: 没有MSN帐号,怎么办?
2005-04-29 12:30
| 昭闳: 世庚,我没有MSN帐号啦!雅虎帐号(atcu)行吗?:p |
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當然可以啊… 你只要去下載MSN messenger 7.0, 然後用你的雅虎帳號去註冊… 一樣可以使用.. 而且, 到時候MSN會發一封確認的信件給你…. 回函就好了.. 然後你就可以在MSN上遨遊天際了… 呵呵^^
昭闳 (242 篇)
Reply: 回复: 没有MSN帐号,怎么办?
2005-04-30 10:51
| NY152: 當然可以啊… 你只要去下載MSN messenger 7.0, 然後用你的雅虎帳號去註冊… 一樣可以使用.. 而且, 到時候MSN會發一封確認的信件給你…. 回函就好了.. 然後你就可以在MSN上遨遊天際了… 呵呵^^ |
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Hi, today is Saturday (30-04-2005), and I'm at office now, I came in at 8:30am.
You guys know why? Because I received my boss SMS at 12:45am saying that our office system got problem. Due to the system is not stable, he think that I shouldn't take leave, what you guys think?
saywin (48 篇)
回复: Reply: 新的联络网
2005-04-30 11:04
| NY152: it's really amazing, dude~ by the way, are you going to update all the photos in MSN,groups.
tell me, so that maybe i can help you up too. it's really nice,
To all, take care and stay nice
Ciao~~~ saikang |
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你们觉得吗我们的年龄就是四分之一个世纪了。岁月不捞人,谁将会是请喜酒的人呢。各位就投注 看看有没有心水的选择。下个星期我也要去越南工作。要知道作什么。下会再谈。准时进入此网站。照宏免费帮你打广告应该请喝茶了 好好保重。。。。我也好想黑鬼因以前他都会打电话给我。谁有他的电话。谢谢噢
NY152 (143 篇)
work work work @@
2005-04-30 11:33
| 昭闳: Hi, today is Saturday (30-04-2005), and I'm at office now, I came in at 8:30am.
You guys know why? Because I received my boss SMS at 12:45am saying that our office system got problem. Due to the system is not stable, he think that I shouldn't take leave, what you guys think? |
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工作就是這樣的啦... 老哥... 相信每個人都有這樣的經驗吧.. 呵呵... 苦笑中... 我一個禮拜也必須工作6天, 月休4天而已...
誰叫他們就是發薪水的人, 而我們就是領薪水的人呢... 哈哈...
那你還會回去吉蘭丹嗎... 超級想念的...
繼續加油啦... 昭閎..^^
昭闳 (242 篇)
回复: 新的联络网
2005-04-30 20:46
| saywin: 你们觉得吗我们的年龄就是四分之一个世纪了。岁月不捞人,谁将会是请喜酒的人呢。各位就投注 看看有没有心水的选择。下个星期我也要去越南工作。要知道作什么。下会再谈。准时进入此网站。照宏免费帮你打广告应该请喝茶了 好好保重。。。。我也好想黑鬼因以前他都会打电话给我。谁有他的电话。谢谢噢 |
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我有国梁的电话,但不知他是否更换了新的号码。传锋,国梁的电话是 +6590622958 吗?